The art of baryta based paper

workshop with Fred Goyeau in Paris

The art of baryta based paper

Improve your baryta silver print technique. Using your negatives as a starting point, Fred Goyeau will guide you step-by-step to optimize each stage of the baryta print process, enabling you to make the most of the richness of your negatives after the course. 

After working for 10 years at Picto as a b&w and color silver printer, Fred Goyeau joined Amazonas, the press agency dedicated to the work of Sebastiao Salgado, where he produced prints.

Since 2010, he has worked freelance in his laboratory in Ivry sur Seine (94), collaborating with numerous photographers (Sophie Calle, Igor Mukhin, Baghir, Philippe Bonan, Bertrand Desprez, Jean-Luc Bertini...).

More about the "The art of baryta printing" workshop with Fred Goyeau