BERFIX neutral - fixer
BERFIX neutral - fixer

BERGGER Berfix Neutral - Fixer

  • Universal fixer for films and papers
  • Neutral pH
  • Dilution 1+4 or 1+9
  • Available in 1L or 5L 

BERGGER Berfix Neutral is a neutral fixer for films and papers. This very high quality fixer allows to avoid the use of an acidic stop bath, which is replaced by plain water.

With films, the use of a water stop bath allows the shadows to keep being processed, while the high light are not affected anymore.

Use with films

If you want to reuse the fixer, a 1+4 dilution is recommended. With one liter, 20 films (135 or 120 can be fixed).
With a 1+9 dilution, 5 films can be fixed.

Use with papers

With papers, a 1+4 dilution is recommended so as not to leave the paper in the fixer for too long (no more than one minute and thirty seconds), which facilitates washing.